Ensemble Fotoalbum Konzert


Project Review

NODES (Hebrew: קשרים | kesharim) is a long-term collaboration between Austria and Israel meant to bring together leading composers, ensembles and members of cultural and academic institutions of both nations. NODES will commence with a concert series in May 2018 with performances in Graz, Vienna, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Austrian Zeitfluss and Israeli Meitar Ensemble will each present a programme with works by contemporary composers of both countries.


May 7th 2018
KULTUM (Großer Minoritensaal), Graz

May 8th 2018
Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna

May 22nd 2018
The Buchmann Mehta School of Music, Tel Aviv

May 23rd 2018
Jerusalem Music Center, Jerusalem

Fotos: Stepfanie Luger


Ensemble Zeitfluss
Arnold Plankensteiner . clarinets
Edo Micic . conductor

Meitar Ensemble
Jonathan Hadas . clarinet
Guy Feder . conductor


Ayal Adler • Hilat Ben-Kennaz • Ziv Cojocaru • Feliz Anne Macahis • Gerd Kühr • Roman Pawollek • Arnold Schoenberg • Richard Dünser • Viola Falb • Erel Paz • Ruben Seroussi • Norbert Sterk

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